Dextro! Sinistro! Centurions march off with cup win.

The Centurions marched down Ermin Street and conquered, returning to city of Corinium with a 3-0 victory.
Cirencester won 3-0 in the second round of the Red Insure Cup at the Webbswood Stadium
With both sides trying an experimental formation, Dave Webb gave new boys Joey Tustain and Alex Rigley a run out and keeper Alex Swatridge a start.
Cirencester went into the lead with a Shane Bumphrey header after nine minutes with lead doubling after 30 minutes when a slip from right-back Mani Randhawa allowed Jacob Davidge to lob into the top-right corner of Swatridge’s goal.
Jack Smith half-volleyed past Swatridge with 10 minutes to go.
Dextro! Sinistro! back up the 419.